What Do I Need Most Today?
I am feeling very strongly I need some quiet time, ideally alone. It’s been great travelling these last two weeks and seeing my kids, spending beautiful time with friends and seeing my parents. It’s been a time of listening deeply to people’s needs , especially my kids. A lot is going on at work as well , and I am feeling a bit fragmented. Time to ground myself! I started today with an early morning gym workout. The holiday inn in phoenix actually had a decent gym , praise be! My back was killing me after going to The 1975 concert with Kate, half my workout was hip openers and hamstrings to release the tension. Great concert to experience with my daughter the super fan.
So I need to be alone. Go for a walk, breathe. This weekend is thanksgiving, so family will be a huge focus. We are just taking off to San Diego so I am going to mediate while on the short flight. Thank god for the tools that help me get grounded.